We're celebrating another wonderful local business during these difficult times. It's been so important to us to show support to small businesses and we are SUPER happy to have Ana from Soulmate Yerba Co. joining us today to talk about her Tea Company and share a new tea blend that she is working on. It's a blend that has THE perfect name and we are really excited that Ana shared the story of it with us! We hope you love learning more about Ana and Soulmate Yerba, and please check out their online shop to pick up your own special tea blend!
Let's get down to business!
What is your business? We are a tea company called Soulmate Yerba Co. LLC
Where is Soulmate Yerba Co. located or what areas do you serve? Owings Mills
How long have you been in business? 3.5 years (**Editor's Note** Soulmate Yerba Co. has an online shop, so you can still have your tasty tea while in quarantine!)
What makes Soulmate Yerba Co. unique? Taking my years of frustration being a nutrition counselor, I created healing functional tea blends to try to get at the route of people's issues.

What's something people love finding out about Soulmate Yerba Co.? We listen to weird podcasts while we work... like murder mysteries.
What'cha working on?!
A new tea blend called "sick day" tea blend
What inspired this new tea blend? This is a new blend we created as we are all stuck at home and worried sick about covid.
Were there any surprises with this new recipe and blend? I had a girlfriend who INSISTED this be a blend with big chunks in it!
Did you run into any problems when thinking or making this blend? For me the most challenging is always getting the word out as I am really shy. Once people try it, they all like it.
What makes you super happy about this tea blend? I grew up with yerba mate which is one of the main ingredients that I work with. It is something that the people in my family always shared. I love love love bringing this herb to the states and educating my clients about it.

Tell us a little about you!
Outside of your business, what is something you love to do? I have two furry babies that I love snuggling.
What first inspired you to go into business with yourself? I was burned out actually. I was coaching people around nutrition and realizing that it was hard to get people to accept simple truths about food and our food supply.
Speed date round: What’s your favorite color, food, and animal?
Color: Right now? Fuschia with sparkles!
Food: I make this crazy yummy banana swirl thing.
Animal: Dogs but come on, can we call them animals really?
What do you love most about your work? I have these amazing women I work with that make me laugh and keep me going.
What's next for you and your business? Any goals you want to put into the universe? We had a ton of events we had to cancel. I can't keep being upset about it because at least we are all healthy, right? So, right now, my big goal is to keep this business alive during all of this so that we all have work when this thing is over. So... it's just simple.... staying alive and relevant throughout this without being annoying and selly.
How can people follow you?
Website: Soulmate Yerba
Instagram: @soulmateyerba
Facebook: Soulmate Yerba
Pinterest: Soulmate Yerba